Ancestral African Image: About Us

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Ancestral African Image is the passion of Mami Olufunke Morrishow who started this business concept to make a venue where she could present the Icons and Images of African Spiritual Thought from her perspective based on the wealth of information given to her through her Godparents Olaoluwa and Osunsina Fasade, the many books written on this subject and her personal experience.

Mami Olufunke Morrishow was made a fully Crowned Priestess and Shrinekeeper in the service of the Orisha Yemoja in 1996. After this initiation Mami Olufunke’s artistic pursuit focused primarily on the creation and recreation of Icons and Images of African Spiritual Science for use on ritual occations.


Finding it impossible to find an image of a Black Mermaid, Mami Olufunke decided to create her own. The first painting started ou t as a line drawing painted in white acrylic paint on blue denim fabric completed with color in 1999.DSCN1005

This painting was on cloth without an armiture to be rolled and to travel from place to place. This ‘Art for the Spirit World’ was used on many ritual occasions before it was sold to Philip Langaigne in 2006 to be part of a collection of art for a Mermaid Museum he was building in Greneda.


This series of Mermaid Paintings was executed between 1999 and 2003.







Mami Olufunke has shown parts of this art work at galleries and cultural markets on the East Coast of the USA and has hand made and personally manufactured several collection since that time which is what this blog is all about.

Read and enjoy. Love and more love.

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Veve: Spiritual Art, Ritual Work

aai002 Eshu Obinrin (the Female Eshu)

Veve are Sacred diagrams that function to both represent the energy of spirit forces and to call out to these spirit forces on ritual occasions. The widely known use of Veve comes to the world through the Voodoo ritual ideas of the Haitian people in their line, form diagrams used to call on the energy of deities known as Lwa. These diagrams call to the Lwa, and have been described as foot prints where the Lwa stand as they engage human beings and experience humanity during trance and possession of the human form.


These Veve are also drawn on fabrics, canvas, animal hide, on dishes or walls where they are embellished to endure permanently and stand to create sacred space where the Lwa can exist, making altar or shrine space where ever necessary.


Veve are potent forms of communication between the world of Spirit and our world of human existence. We present the Lwa with these diagrams accompanied with prayer, song, dance, food, drink, water, their favorites colors, numbers, day or celestial festival time to incur favor and answer to our needs and prayers.


Veve has become the term that means ‘Art for the Spirit World’ and has given birth to presentations that incorporate the original Haitian Voodoo style or stand entirely on its own as a new or continuing segment of Sacred diagrams.


Now a days Veve adorn many items and take on a variety of forms to inspire grace and goodness in the hearts of people. And so you will find these sacred diagrams on clothing and pot holders, pillows and as computer desktop themes, etc.